Tips for choosing a commercial real estate broker to sell your business?


commercial real estate broker

In recent years, the ready-made business market has become more active. Some entrepreneurs leave the country; others want to change their occupations and are looking for different ways to sell their businesses. Businessmen who sell their businesses on their own usually look for a buyer among friends or place an advertisement for the sale of a business on bulletin boards on the Internet.

The probability of finding among acquaintances those who want to buy out a business is not so high. In addition, after its sale, you still have a certain degree of responsibility to your friend regarding the business's profitability. As for bulletin boards usually sell to small businesses and require a deep dive into the selling process.

An advertising campaign on the Internet on business portals of business brokers can speed up the sale of small and medium-sized businesses. But you should not use the services of sites that offer to place an ad for the sale of a business on them for free; such portals are usually ineffective, and the target audience does not visit them.

If your business is worth more than $100,000, then the circle of potential buyers narrows, and the sale becomes a more complex process that is best left to Experiencedcommercial real estate brokers in New Jersey.

How to choose a commercial real estate broker?

List the top brokers in the market- First of all, analyze the main commercial real estate brokerage companies, in the field of buying and selling a business on the market. You should not cooperate with intermediaries who take absolutely all enterprises into work because the most important thing in selling a business is an individual approach.

Check the agency's experience- Find out how long the commercial real estate company has been on the market and whether it has sold identical businesses, and study the history of successful transactions made with the firm's help (track record).

Evaluate the specialization of the broker- It is worth noting that a commercial real estate broker, as a rule, has its own specialization, so if you are going to sell a farm, then an agent who specializes in selling online stores or attracting investments in IT startups is unlikely to suit you.

Understand the process of selling followed by the broker- Try to find out exactly how the intermediary is going to organize the process of selling the business and what exclusive channels will be used as promotion. For example, in addition to traditional promotion channels, the Real Estate Brokerage Company in new Jersey publishes investment offers on the largest investment portal, which is visited by more than 100,000 visitors every month, including both large corporate investors and private investors. 

You may have to choose between a ready-made business agency and a private business broker. On the one hand, an individual will be able to devote more to your business, and his services may cost less. On the other hand, experienced commercial real estate brokers have a name that reputable investors listen to and trust, extensive tools, and a systematic approach to working with investors, professional staff, and legal expertise to support transactions.


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